
Its been a while... my long lost lover

I've been gone, I have taken a leave to fulfill certain goals and figure out the kinks in my dreams but now I am back and I am refreshed and I am stronger than I've been in a long time. I must admit that 2011 was a year of growth, a year of maturing, and a year of accomplishments. I am now proudly a graduate student at the precise university I wanted. I must first and foremost thank God for every moment he has held my hand, and most importantly for opening doors I can only dream of. I am happy- truly so. I am content with the foundation I have laid this past year, and I know that 2012 will prove to blow me out of my comfort zone and into a new me! I am beyond excited! This year I have loved, and this year I have lost, but in both I have gained a sense of entitlement and finesse. A new attitude behooves me, and a stronger mindset craddles the confines of my aspirations. I am a woman of my word, I make it happen, with God of course. I thought I had lost myself and thus I found it excrutiating to slip into the comfort of my words and the expression of these pages that so closely resemble the me I want to be. I am closer than I was 6months ago but this same time next year I will be beaming. Thank you for the heartache and thank you for the pain. Thank you for the times I wanted to give up and did, because they only gave me reason to come back. 2011, its been real but 2012 has something in store for me- something fresh. This chapter in my life has closed and with it I leave tucked away dearest loves. The past shall remain the past, and my scars remind me that they were real. A real red badge of courage. So here's to the new year and the new me. The new love I have to meet in a new city, new faces, new opportunities, and an entire world before me. I love you all and I promise so much more to come!


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