
G-Shock Monster

This one's for my dearest most sincerest most beloved most astounding inspiration- Gisselle. My best friend and sister. I've loved her for 20 yrs officially last wednesday, cannot believe it's been that long that God has blessed me with her. She's articulate and amazing. There's a moment when we realize that our best reflections are found in the eyes of those we can gaze into and know that we love unconditionally, my eyes will always reflect nothing but beauty and ingenuity when they gaze at her. She's amazing. Sometimes I just listen to her talk, just looking into her big brown eyes and think about all the things that make her completely indescribably unrivaled- and I realize that she's oblivious to most. The way that we will never see all the reasons we make others smile. I get lost in deep soul conversations with her for hours, we have the most insane and unexplainable inside jokes that fill my insides with uncontrollable, cascading life-giving laughter and we can have the greatest time doing absolutely nothing for absolutely free. Spot the hotties and all the bargains in the same hour. She makes my day. I am so proud to see the woman she is becoming and cannot wait to witness the years to come. I think I am more excited than her. 

Her courage to take on a life that at her age I was too fearful of to do more than dream, inspires me to set even higher standards for myself. I admire her ability to stand true to herself, to be herself at all times, unapologetically. It fires me inside. She's classic and graceful, delicate and loving. She's taught me patience, well she's tried, and in the back of my mind I can always hear her voice, "Mayra, just wait." She's reticent but she's worth it because not everyone deserves a piece of your heart or the opportunity to hear a piece of your mind- she's taught me to save it. She's taught me to love- hard and to forgive- quickly and to be slow to anger and slow to speak. 

So I want you to learn this from me- take risks, be free even if it means a little brow sweat and some trouble. We can never forget the things we never said- sometimes we need to fight for what our heart is dying to have. It's ok to make mistakes, lots of them,  just as long as get up and keep your skin tough and your heart soft. They also make for excellent memories and stories for my nieces and nephews. 

There's nothing wrong with being crazy and there's nothing wrong with being irrational- life is never perfectly planned out. See your beauty every second of every day and never understimate the impact you will make. Know that your dreams are powerful and that they are real. Always remember that Nothing is Impossible.  So, in this year I pray the greatest of your wishes and dreams into reality. Say yes to yourself. Make all the memories a lifetime can never hold, and take all the adventures your mind can conjure. The world is waiting for an exhuberantly beautiful being named YOU.
I love you avec tout ma petite coeur 

Doing What we Do BEST! ; )

Happy 20th Year of Life G-Shock Monster!!! I love you with all of my heart beautiful!


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